Innistrad: Midnight Hunt - Let's Crack Open a Bundle!


Magic Untapped cracks open a Innistrad: Midnight Hunt bundle.

The latest Magic: The Gathering set, Innistrad: Midnight Hunt, just released this past Friday.

Magic Untapped cracks open a bundle, which consists of eight packs, a cool spin-down die for life counting, and more.

Check out the video below to scope out the contents and see if the pulls are good enough to justify its $40 price tag:

The Innistrad: Midnight Hunt used in the video was purchased from Big Brother Comics in downtown Sacramento, California.

Barry White

Barry White is a longtime Magic: The Gathering player, having started in 1994 shortly before the release of 'Fallen Empires.' After graduating from the University of Nevada, Reno, he went on to a 15-year journalism career as a writer, reporter, and videographer for three different ABC affiliate newsrooms.