Mishra's Genuine Draft: 'Theros Beyond Death' - The Game Awards After Party


It's time for another serving of Mishra's Genuine Draft! This time around, we're trying something just a tad different.

It's time for another serving of Mishra's Genuine Draft! This time around, we're trying something just a tad different.

This past weekend, Wizards of the Coast hosted a special event called "The Game Awards After Party" in which players are given two pre-constructed decks to pilot.  Of course, these weren't just any decks.

You see, these decks included cards from the yet-to-be-released Theros Beyond Death set (which comes out for Magic: The Gathering on Jan. 24).  Not only that, the decks also included some of the most powerful cards in Magic history such as Ancestral RecallBlack LotusMox Jet, and more.

How did we do? Well, let's just say that one deck was noticeably stronger than the other.

Take a look: